Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Free training?

The other day I realized that we really could do a better job talking about our podcasts - I mean our free podcasts. Over at Kelby TV we currently have 6 podcasts:

Photoshop User TV - the weekly Photoshop podcast
Layers TV - all about the Creative Suite: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat, After Effects....
Photoshop Killer Tips - quick Photoshop tips, every day
Ask Dave - Dave (me) answers your Photoshop questions
Lightroom Killer Tips - THE Lightroom podcast
D Town TV - all about digital photography

Between these weekly podcasts there are over 750 episodes, all archived for your watching pleasure - did I mention that they're free? ;)

By my quick calculations that's well over 150 hours of free training on Photoshop, photography, Lightroom and the Creatve Suite. That you can watch. Free. Anytime you want.


ZZblaine said...

You guys rock, Dave, thanks!

EvaBabeDesigns said...

Thanks Dave! Free is good!