Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bits 'n pieces

Thanks to all the folks who came out to my seminars in New York and Seattle. Those were two fun trips...on two different coastlines. Met lots of cool peole and has some fun.

In Seattle I even managed to squeeze in a ballet shoot...with a dancer with a bit of a punk rock flair.

This shot (shots) was tons o' fun: I didn't have my tripod so I tried to keep the camera as still as possible and had her move to different positions. Thanks to Auto Align Layers and some decent skill at selecting and masking, it wasn't too difficult to come up with this...even though I did it on an airplane using my little laptop trackpad. :)

For NAPP members looking for the free Watermark Creator panel that was mentioned in my seminar, you can find it on the NAPP member web site by clicking on the menu called NAPP Perks (On the left side of the page)

Some of you may remember my daughter Stephanie from Photoshop User TV. Well, she's been working for famed wildlife photographer Moose Peterson for some time, and Moose has convinced her to start a blog. I gotta say, she's off to a great start, including some very cool experimental photos taken at a campsite.

Check it out

1 comment:

Ken Toney said...

Dave, don't you just love it when one of the kids takes up the old man's hobbies! My grandson is 10 and shooting regular now (I bought him a P6000 Nikon). Your seminars are fantastic (went to yours in Nashville last year). Tell Stephanie to show us some pics soon. Whats here blog?